Episode 14: Hi Honey, I'm Home
Captain Clerk struggled to keep up with Admiral Nezbomb, who was on a collision course with the Bridge. I really hope you’re doing something up...
Episode 13: Early to Rise, Early to Panic
Admiral Michael Nezbomb was a lot of things to a lot of people — mostly intimidating and unpleasant things — but to Captain James Clerk,...
Episode 12: De Pain, Boss! De Pain!
Last thing I need at this point is a meeting… The debriefing meeting began at Half Past Late, and mainly consisted of Captain Clerk, Lt....
Episode 11: Well, Here's Another Nice Mess You've Gotten Me Into
“HELP!!!!” The contents of Deck X continued their involuntary journey toward the hatch. Chair after chair, vase after vase, some couches, a foosball table… “I...
Episode 10: In Space, Nobody Can Smell You Either
Captain’s Blog, Stardate: about 15 minutes ago. We have requested Emergency Exit Clearance from Deep Dish $9 due to the fact that the area below...