Episode 67: Warp² / AFTSP (As FasT aS Possible)
It was the carpeting that bothered him. Of all the things that rascally refit team did to Main Engineering, it was laying down carpet everywhere...
Episode 66: Eight is (Not) Enough
Captain’s Blog, Stardate. I have never regretted staying up so late playing the Starship Captain Simulator game until now. My eyes are staging a mutiny...
Episode 65: Pop-Ups Detected
Today was Captain Clerk’s first day on the New Bridge, and he was still taking it all in. He slowly walked around the perimeter, arms...
Episode 64: Happy Gornday
After throwing away his fifth cheap Ferengi “barely used” recorder off FleetBayTM, Lt. Commander Georgie “Rainbow” LaGrange was relieved to hear that he had finally...
Episode 63: And So, Having Re-Re-Refitted the Starship…
Captain’s Blog, Stardate… uh… sigh. Figures my communicator would die right now. Sometime I should actually put a clock in here. Anyways, we are just...